Site details
Written by Piers Cawley on
This site was built with the Hugo static site generator, hosted on a Raspberry Pi from Mythic Beasts. The theme is a somewhat modified version of the Tufte CSS theme for hugo, originally forked from shawnohare’s repo with many modifications from jeremy friesen’s fork (which appears to have vanished from github.) I’m working on making this a fully IndieWeb enabled site, but the road is long and I keep getting distracted by other shiny things.
This site was built with the Hugo static site generator, hosted on a Raspberry Pi from Mythic Beasts.
The theme is a somewhat modified version of the Tufte CSS theme for hugo, originally forked from shawnohare’s repo with many modifications from jeremy friesen’s fork (which appears to have vanished from github.)
I’m working on making this a fully IndieWeb enabled site, but the road is long and I keep getting distracted by other shiny things.