A Handy Builder Pattern

Written by Piers Cawley on , updated

I’m working on a web service, and that means that I need to build lots and lots of mildly different looking HTTP requests with various combinations of headers and requested URLs. The camel’s back got broken this morning when I realised I didn’t want to be writing a method called ssl_request_from_uk_with_bad_cert, which builds me an HTTP::Request with a particular combination of headers, that I can use with Plack::Test to test our webservice. The method name describes what’s wanted, but the code is sopping wet and in desperate need of DRYing up.

I’m working on a web service, and that means that I need to build lots and lots of mildly different looking HTTP requests with various combinations of headers and requested URLs. The camel’s back got broken this morning when I realised I didn’t want to be writing a method called ssl_request_from_uk_with_bad_cert, which builds me an HTTP::Request with a particular combination of headers, that I can use with Plack::Test to test our webservice. The method name describes what’s wanted, but the code is sopping wet and in desperate need of DRYing up.

My first cut was to write a simple request builder:

package RequestBuilder;
use Moose;

with 'MooseX::OneArgNew' => {
  type => 'HTTP::Request',
  init_arg => '_req',

has _req => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'HTTP::Request',
  handles => [qw(header headers)],

sub ssl_request {
  my $class = shift;
    GET => 'https://localhost/',
      SSLSessionID => 'deadbeef',

sub from_uk {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->header('X-IP-Is-UK-Combined' => 'yes');
  return $self;

sub with_bad_cert {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->header('SSLClientCertStatus' => 'NoClientCert');
  return $self;

sub final {
  my $self = shift;

Now I have a builder, I can compose meaningful fragments to build a final request. So I might write:

my $r = RequestBuilder->ssl_request

But things got sticky when I wanted to to take a valid request and bend it out of shape to ensure that it failed correctly. I was writing things like:

use RequestBuilder;

sub valid_request {
  my($self, $is_final) = @_;
  my $r = RequestBuilder->ssl_request->from_uk;
  return $is_final ? $r->final : $r;

test "we reject requests from outside the UK" => sub {
  my $self = shift;
  my $r = $self->valid_request(0)->from('Turkmenistan')->final;


which works, but is uglier than a very ugly thing indeed. What I wanted was some way of having the finalization magically happen at the point of use but have some way of extending any intermediate results. The interface I came up with looks like this:

use RequestBuilder;

sub valid_request {
  build_request {

test "we reject requests from outside the UK" => sub {
  my $self = shift;
  my $r = build_request {


When the builder is returned from the outermost build_request block, it gets finalized.

“How does that work then?” I hear you ask. It’s quite simple, once you know about Moose::Exporter, old fashioned perl prototypes and the Tao of dynamic scope. We just add something like the following to the end of our RequestBuilder:

our $building;

use Moose::Exporter;
  as_is => ['build_request'],

sub build_request (&) {
  my $block = shift;
  my $builder = do {
    local $building = 1;
    local $_ = __PACKAGE__;
  return $building ? $builder : $builder->_req;

So, build_request has a & prototype, which means it takes a block as its first argument. Perl treats an initial prototyped block argument as slightly magical and doesn’t require the use of the sub keyword (though you can use it if you want). It then uses a do block to dynamically set $building to 1 and $_ to be the current *PACKAGE* name (because $_ is shorter to type than RequestBuilder) before calling the block to get a builder. Then it checks whether we’re still building. If we are, it returns the builder. If we aren’t, then the block was the outermost block, so build_request returns the built request.

I’m not quite ready to extract this pattern into a parameterized role - I need to make sure it’s robust enough, but it’s certainly something to think about when you next need to make a builder for your tests.

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