The Perils of RFSI

Written by Piers Cawley on , updated

If you saw me at YAPC::NA or you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that I've been waylaid by Repetitive Strain Injury, so I'm going to be cutting back even more savagely on the blogging I do here.

However, I do need to vent, so I'm starting to use my Audioboo (for short audio blog posts) and accounts. I've been inspired by Jon Boden's wonderful A Folk Song A Day project to undertake my own repertoire challenge. There's no way I can set myself Jon's awesome schedule, but I do plan, over the next few months, to record and upload my entire traditional repertoire to Soundcloud. I'll at least try and hit a Perl Iron Man ish schedule of a song a week 'til I run out of repertoire, but I'm not about to make promises.

If you saw me at YAPC::NA or you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that I've been waylaid by Repetitive Strain Injury, so I'm going to be cutting back even more savagely on the blogging I do here.

However, I do need to vent, so I'm starting to use my Audioboo (for short audio blog posts) and accounts. I've been inspired by Jon Boden's wonderful A Folk Song A Day project to undertake my own repertoire challenge. There's no way I can set myself Jon's awesome schedule, but I do plan, over the next few months, to record and upload my entire traditional repertoire to Soundcloud. I'll at least try and hit a Perl Iron Man ish schedule of a song a week 'til I run out of repertoire, but I'm not about to make promises.

Once I've worked out how to make it work, I hope to autopost here with pointers to the audio stuff so you'll not have to change your feed urls, but you may have to bear with me on that.

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