What happened to the routing rework?
Written by Piers Cawley on , updated
Those of you who’ve been reading attentively will be aware that I’ve been working on a drop in replacemen for a chunk of Rails’ routing subsystem. You will also be aware that things have gone a bit quiet on that front.
I got a job.
Which is lovely, and fabulous, and safeguards my mortgage payments and all that good stuff. But it has rather put dampeners on any non paying work.
Those of you who’ve been reading attentively will be aware that I’ve been working on a drop in replacemen for a chunk of Rails’ routing subsystem. You will also be aware that things have gone a bit quiet on that front.
I got a job.
Which is lovely, and fabulous, and safeguards my mortgage payments and all that good stuff. But it has rather put dampeners on any non paying work.
Finding the balance
What with throwing myself into the new job and spending last weekend visiting friends, family and the Brighton Coding Dojo mob, I’ve been neglecting other coding commitments. This should not be a permanent state of affairs, I’m hoping to return to the new routing project over the weekend. It’s all a matter of finding the balance.