The Perl 6 Summary 2005-10-09

Written by Piers Cawley on , updated

Welcome to the first of my self-hosted Perl 6 Summaries. Loads of stuff’s been happening this week. The perl6-internals crew have been making everything work properly with Parrot 0.3.0 and generally doing housekeeping prior to the next big push. The perl6-language people have been continuing their ongoing task of nailing bits of Perl 6 down, except for the bits where they’re suggesting new features. And the perl6-compiler people seem to have been rather too busy discussing stuff on IRC and then implementing it to post much to the mailing list.

Welcome to the first of my self-hosted Perl 6 Summaries.

Loads of stuff's been happening this week. The perl6-internals crew have been making everything work properly with Parrot 0.3.0 and generally doing housekeeping prior to the next big push. The perl6-language people have been continuing their ongoing task of nailing bits of Perl 6 down, except for the bits where they're suggesting new features. And the perl6-compiler people seem to have been rather too busy discussing stuff on IRC and then implementing it to post much to the mailing list.

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